Grading system

  • Green means not impressive for spectators, no use for ww paddlers, but suitable for an introductory moving water training or fun in sea kayaks and canoes
  • Blue means good fun in sea kayaks, good for ww training but unlikely to produce a good playboat wave.
  • Red should be excellent in sea kayaks and should* provide a playboat wave. Good for spectators
  • Black entries should be good as they combine a big range with low tides, making the wave more likely to provide good sport for play boaters.

*You should check the weather forecast as well. High pressure results in better waves because the depth will be less. Low pressure results in washed out conditions.

Please also note that times are now BST where appropriate. Information about the source of our tidal predictions can be found here

Next predicted good tides:

Ebb tide on Sat 15th Mar 2025:
    Starts at 20:23
    Good from 22:13 to 01:09
    Range 3.30m

Flood tide on Fri 14th Mar 2025:
    Starts at 02:41
    Good from 04:19 to 06:19
    Height 3.90m

Top tips

  • If you are a playboater wanting breaking waves on the ebb tide, it’s the range that matters, together with how low the low tide is. Even big ranges with low tide levels above 0.7 metres might be disappointing. Lows below 0.5 metres are probably going to be good.
  • If you are a sea paddler or canoeist wanting to paddle the flood tide, it’s just the height of the high tide that matters.
  • The good flood tides tend to happen in the afternoon or evening, sunset times are provided in the table so you can check if it’s light and the tide graph has daylight and twilight hours highlighted.

About the data table

The table has data for all tides, ebb and flood, colour coded for how exciting/hairy/spectacular they are going to be.

This means that the table is vast, however we do it like this so that sea kayakers, canoeists, sailors and anglers as well as play-boaters can search the table and see dates that will suit their purposes.

This might make it harder work for play boaters to find the info they need – sorry! Just look for the red and black boxes.

About the tidal graphs

The graph is a visual indication of what the tide height is doing, along with when the falls will be running and how good they might be. Click the buttons for information about the ebb and flood tides, the lighter bar indicates the start of the flow and the darker portion the best times.

For the Ebb tide the height of the coloured bars indicate the tidal range, for Flood tides they indicate the height.

Next 7 days tide tables

Date Sunrise Sunset Oban Tides Type Flow Starts Good from Good to
Time Height (m) Range (m)
Tue 11th Mar 06:45 18:18 04:34 3.30 Flood 00:39 03:04 05:04
10:58 1.20 2.10 Ebb 06:44 08:34 11:43
16:57 3.30 Flood 13:48 15:27 17:27
22:36 1.10 2.20 Ebb 19:07 20:57 23:21
Wed 12th Mar 06:42 18:20 04:51 3.60 Flood 01:26 03:21 05:21
11:31 1.10 2.50 Ebb 07:01 08:51 12:16
17:20 3.50 Flood 14:21 15:50 17:50
23:15 0.90 2.60 Ebb 19:30 21:20 00:00
Thu 13th Mar 06:39 18:23 05:19 3.80 Flood 02:05 03:49 05:49
12:01 1.00 2.80 Ebb 07:29 09:19 12:46
17:45 3.70 Flood 14:51 16:15 18:15
23:51 0.70 3.00 Ebb 19:55 21:45 00:36
Fri 14th Mar 06:37 18:25 05:49 3.90 Flood 02:41 04:19 06:19
12:30 0.90 3.00 Ebb 07:59 09:49 13:15
18:13 3.90 Flood 15:20 16:43 18:43
Sat 15th Mar 06:34 18:27 00:24 0.60 3.30 Ebb 20:23 22:13 01:09
06:20 4.00 Flood 03:14 04:50 06:50
12:57 0.90 3.10 Ebb 08:30 10:20 13:42
18:40 3.90 Flood 15:47 17:10 19:10
Sun 16th Mar 06:31 18:29 00:55 0.70 3.20 Ebb 20:50 22:40 01:40
06:48 4.00 Flood 03:45 05:18 07:18
13:24 0.90 3.10 Ebb 08:58 10:48 14:09
19:06 3.90 Flood 16:14 17:36 19:36
Mon 17th Mar 06:29 18:31 01:24 0.80 3.10 Ebb 21:16 23:06 02:09
07:15 3.90 Flood 04:14 05:45 07:45
13:50 1.10 2.80 Ebb 09:25 11:15 14:35
19:31 3.80 Flood 16:40 18:01 20:01

Next 7 days tidal graph

We are continuing to develop the calculations and criteria. Please help, send us feedback on how the conditions you experience compare with our predictions.